New Fiserv White Paper Outlines Immediate Mobile Payments Opportunities for Financial Institutions
While the market for mobile payments at the point of sale (POS) has yet to mature, there are multiple other ways for financial institutions to support mobile payments. To capitalize on the market opportunity, financial institutions should consider a strategy that encompasses the four pillars of mobile payments:
- Paying Self -Transfers and deposits into a personal bank account, via mobile deposit and funds transfer capabilities
- Paying Other People - Person-to-person payments to individuals and groups
- Paying Billers - Payments to a biller either through a financial institution or biller
- Paying Merchants/Retailers - Purchases via mobile proximity payments, cloud, or online via apps and mobile websites
Financial institutions can recognize real and immediate opportunities by delivering the mobile payment types consumers use most today -- Paying Self, Paying Other People and Paying Billers. Focusing on these pillars until mobile proximity payment offerings mature will enable banks and credit unions to attract, retain and strengthen relationships with key customer segments already heavily using the mobile channel, such as Gen Y.
In addition to immediate opportunities associated with supporting today's most prevalent mobile payment types, banks and credit unions are encouraged to invest in the future. Building out support capabilities and mapping the POS payments user experience to the design of other mobile banking transaction types could drive mobile retail payments use, putting financial institutions in a strong position. Additional perspective specific to supporting mobile payments at the point of sale can be found in the point of view paper, Preparing for The Fourth Pillar of Mobile Payments: Payments to Merchants and Retailers.
"Due to their trusted relationship with consumers, financial
institutions have a distinct advantage over non-bank competitors as the
mobile banking and mobile payments user experiences converge," said
More information can be found in the white paper, available here:
Additional Resources:
- "Preparing for The Fourth Pillar of Mobile Payments: Payments to Merchants and Retailers," point of view paper -
- "Breaking the Mobile Banking Glass Ceiling," white paper -
- "Next Generation Mobile Banking: Transactions Increase Potential ROI," white paper -
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